"There seems no plan because it is all plan; there seems no center because it is all center." - C. S. Lewis
The first part of this quote strikes particularly well with me right now. I graduated college almost four months ago, and for the first time in my life, I have no plan. These weeks have been a constant struggle. What do I want? What career should I head towards? I feel I have no time. I dislike my job. I am stressed.
"There seems no plan because it is all plan." I must remind myself that not having a plan right now is all part of the process that will lead me toward reaching my dreams. Everything I experience now is part of a much larger plan, whether I can see the upcoming steps or not. I am meant to be here, now. Instead of worrying about where I will be, I should slow down, explore myself, take advantage of this opportunity to choose my path of happiness. I may never again have the time or independence I have now.
The first part of this quote strikes particularly well with me right now. I graduated college almost four months ago, and for the first time in my life, I have no plan. These weeks have been a constant struggle. What do I want? What career should I head towards? I feel I have no time. I dislike my job. I am stressed.
"There seems no plan because it is all plan." I must remind myself that not having a plan right now is all part of the process that will lead me toward reaching my dreams. Everything I experience now is part of a much larger plan, whether I can see the upcoming steps or not. I am meant to be here, now. Instead of worrying about where I will be, I should slow down, explore myself, take advantage of this opportunity to choose my path of happiness. I may never again have the time or independence I have now.