A blog about words, meaning-making, and impact.

Wasting Time?

"Time you enjoy wasting, was not wasted." - John Lennon

Although I have been told it countless times before, I recently realized that in order to truly be happy, you have to do what you love. I like Lennon's quote because it assures me that when I am "wasting time" reading or writing, surfing the internet, or doing something that, to an outsider, might not seem like much of anything, I am not necessarily wasting anything. If these are activities I truly enjoy and love, then the time is not wasted. Instead, a day is wasted when it passes without having been occupied by an enjoyed activity. A day is wasted when you simply exist, going through the motions of routine, not stopping to take time for yourself.

I have started to slow down, look around, and enjoy as much as I can. I am trying to spend time each day doing something I love. Something that is just for me. Something I do alone. It sounds selfish to me sometimes, but I am a much happier person when I do what I want to do. Is that bad?