A blog about words, meaning-making, and impact.

"There seems no plan because it is all plan; there seems no center because it is all center." - C. S. Lewis

The first part of this quote strikes particularly well with me right now. I graduated college almost four months ago, and for the first time in my life, I have no plan. These weeks have been a constant struggle. What do I want? What career should I head towards? I feel I have no time. I dislike my job. I am stressed.

"There seems no plan because it is all plan." I must remind myself that not having a plan right now is all part of the process that will lead me toward reaching my dreams. Everything I experience now is part of a much larger plan, whether I can see the upcoming steps or not. I am meant to be here, now. Instead of worrying about where I will be, I should slow down, explore myself, take advantage of this opportunity to choose my path of happiness. I may never again have the time or independence I have now.
"It is fine to want to do well. But if we do not do good, too, doing well is simply not enough." - Anna Quindlen, Loud and Clear, 215
Listen to your heart-whispers. - Sri Chinmoy. This was on a sugar-packet I picked up from a local restaurant in Roscoe Village
"She used to tell me it wasn't up to us to question the circumstances of our lives. It was our job, instead, to live them as best we could, to trust that God had a plan for each of us, to know that something that looked like a curse could just as easily be a blessing." - Lee Martin, in Molly McQuade's One Word, 41.
"A snowball in the face is surely the perfect beginning to a lasting friendship." - The Book Thief, Markus Zusak, 48.