A blog about words, meaning-making, and impact.

Oprah's Lifeclass: Deepak Asks "What Is Your Purpose In This Life?"

Tonight was Oprah's last Lifeclass episode of the season. All four teachers were brought together in Canada to teach their best lesson on gratitude. But before getting into what I discovered tonight, it is time to brainstorm an answer to the third of Deepak Chopra's seven questions towards creating a "soul profile" which was discussed on a previous episode.

"What is your purpose in this life?"

My purpose in this life is to love, to learn, to give, and to be better.

It is my shortest and simplest answer. Maybe I just have yet to discover my purpose and this is all I can come up with, or maybe this it is the truth and the reasons we are all here. People seem to realize and fulfill their purpose to different degrees, reaching different numbers of people or getting recognized in different ways. People might take longer to realize their purpose. Some live longer, do it all quicker. Regardless, it all can be narrowed down to a handful of good things. I need to love, learn, give, and be better to the best of my ability. It is up to me to determine how much to love, how much to pull and absorb from personal and global experiences and events, how much to give back and give of myself and share, and it is up to me to decide to turn inward to examine my being and make my self better, more tolerant, less judgemental, more grateful and kind, healthy, and happy. That is my purpose in this life, for now - let us see where it takes me...

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